Lord Shri Swaminarayan

संस्थाप्य विप्रं विद्वांसं पाठशालां विधाप्य च । प्रवर्तनीया सद्विद्या भुवि यत्सुकृतं महत् ॥

- शिक्षापत्री - १३२

They shall establish an institution with a learned Brahmin as a teacher, and through it shall propagate Sadvidhya (right knowledge) on earth for the promotion of such learning in this world is indeed a highly meritorious act.

- Shikshapatri - 132

HDH Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami

  • HH Swamiji is currently leading the 'Clean India & Green India' campaign and has adopted 108 villages for the provision of pure water, cleanliness and sanitation hygiene in these locations.
  • HH Swamiji runs many projects to help needy people in the fields of health, education and environment.
  • Because of the inspiration and efforts of H.H. Swamiji approximately thousand check dams have been constructed in water scarce areas of Saurashtra & Kutchh. The relief and rehabilitation works are carried out to help people recover from the natural calamities such as earthquakes, foods and other disasters. Under his leadership 56 schools have been constructed in earthquake affected areas.
  • As a part of Environment preservation, tens of thousands of trees have been planted and protected to maintain the ecological balance.
  • HH Swamiji has authored 15 books on various inspiring topics.